Discover our healing center, our treatments and our training programs.

Every day, we aim to accomplish a fundamental humanist mission: to help people meet complex challenges, foster self-understanding, and give them the keys and methods to care for themselves and others.
We enable people to use traditional knowledge to autonomously lead healthy, balanced and resilient lives.
By empowering individuals, we contribute to building stronger, healthier communities capable of finding solutions to the pressing issues of our time based on the shared values of our common humanity.

We have developed a two-fold strategy based on healing and education.
Treatments help people strengthen their physical, mental and emotional health through ancient and powerful healing techniques that are actively transmitted through workshops and conferences around the world to create a comprehensive health learning path for all.

Visit our Events page for an overview of our upcoming activities, including detailed information about each conference and course to help you enroll!
We support individuals of all ages as they heal from their physical symptoms, working on the recovery of all organs, the immune system, the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system (skeleton, muscles, fascia, etc.).
We also seek to promote mental health by providing care to recover from psychological traumas, helping people manage their emotions and inner conflicts, and cope with life's difficulties and challenges.
Through our work, we aim at rebalancing energies and releasing energetic blockages.
Rahul Bharti organizes several workshops, open days and conferences every month to ensure a continued transmission of his ancient knowledge and rare skills and train people around the world.

Dynamic platforms for promoting, open-hearted conversations, you are invited to ask any question about health, energies and spirituality leading to broadening your understanding of your life, humankind and our world.
Further information on the next Open Days on our Events page!
Embark on a transformative experience with our exclusive workshops designed to deepen your understanding of your energetic system.
Understanding the anatomy of the energetic system.
Ancient healing refers to traditional and time-honoured methods of healing that various cultures have practised throughout history. It encompasses a holistic approach to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual levels.
Teaching: In-depth understanding of our energetic system, our soul, practices, talking circles, etc.
Anatomy and physiology of the energetic system: functioning of our energetic system, our soul, our seven major chakras, masculine and feminine energies
Self-healing: detoxification program, anchoring and balancing our energies.
Meditations and breathing exercises with Tibetan singing bowls
Guidance and coaching
Further information on the date and place of our next workshops is communicated on our Events page!
Check out our dedicated Blog pages to deepen your knowledge on this topic!
Nuad Phaen Boran, or Traditional Thai Massage, stands as a living heritage of the ancient healing traditions of Thailand, with its roots deeply intertwined with influences from India and Sri Lanka. Dating back over 2500 years, this therapeutic practice is not just a massage; it is a holistic journey that intertwines elements of traditional Thai medicine, yoga, and Ayurveda.
During this workshop, you will learn this technique and be trained to perform a one-and-half-hour to a three-hour massage depending on your level that you will be able to divide in different sequences or deliver in one roll.
Depending on your level you will learn the following sequences:
Front massage is composed of feet, legs, stomach, arms, hands, neck, head, and face.
Side massage comprises the side of the legs, of the upper body, including scapulas and spine, and the side of the arms.
The back massage includes the foot arches, calf muscles, hamstring muscles, sciatic nerves, lower back, middle back, and upper back.
Mornings will be dedicated to explaining and demonstrating the techniques and movements.
During the afternoons, you will be practising intensively what you would have learnt in the morning and the days before to progressively build solid knowledge and turn this practice into a natural part of your therapeutic skills.
Further information on the date and place of our next workshops will be communicated on our Events page!
Check out our dedicated Blog pages to deepen your knowledge on this topic!
Tibetan Singing Bowls
You will learn about the history of Tibetan singing bowls, their functioning and their use as per very precise sequences using the high vibration of sound to realign, clear and boost the energetic system.
At the end of the workshop, you will be able to perform a form of ancient healing and play different sequences originating from the Sri Lankan Shamans.
Further information on our Events page and Blog articles!
Next One-month Ancient Healing Retreat
November 1st-28th - NEPAL
For more information click on the hyperlink!
Whether you are interested in mastering these techniques for self-healing or professional treatment of others; this training was developed to serve both purposes.
According to ancient teachings, self-healing and the healing of others are two sides of the same coin. After all, any development starts with self-development. This is why at the Healing Hands Center, each student is trained in an equally professional way, with respect for personal questions, health, and life challenges.
Course content:
*Understanding the Energetic System & Self-Healing
Rahul invites you on a journey to explore the anatomy and physiology of the energetic body. You'll discover how to take control of your health through self-healing exercises designed to balance and ground your energetic system. These exercises are an integral part of the detox program.
*Detox Program
Our detox program is a holistic approach to cleanse and rebalance your entire system. You will focus on enhancing your physical, psychological, and energetic well-being to boost your immune system. The program encompasses lifestyle modifications, energetic exercises, a tailored diet, intestinal cleansing, and physical workouts.
*Ancient Yoga Stretches
Discover the perfect blend of flexibility and strength through ancient yoga stretches. These practices not only help prevent and alleviate physical ailments but also enhance your personal well-being and therapeutic techniques. You will master a 1.5-hour workout that benefits both you and your clients, making it easy to share these techniques with others.
We embrace meditation in action. Our meditation exercises are designed with specific intentions, utilizing sound, visualization, and breathing techniques to calm the mind and support the energetic system. Throughout the course, you will explore a variety of meditation practices.
*Providing High-Quality Treatments
You will learn to diagnose conditions and provide high-quality treatments. The course also covers essential topics such as creating an optimal treatment environment, selecting materials, determining treatment timings, and clearing energy.
*Ancient 'Thai' Massage
Master a part of traditional ancient 'Thai' massage technique (feet, legs, belly, arms, hands, head, neck and face) that harmonizes the body's energies through a combination of stretches, pressure points, and fluid movements reminiscent of a meditative dance. You will learn to deliver a 1.5-hour Thai massage based on the original techniques developed by Dr. Jivaka Kumar Baccha, the physician to the Buddha.
*Dancing with the Wind
Engage in "Dancing with the Wind," a gentle energetic practice similar to Tai Chi. This meditative movement helps balance your energy and cultivates a sense of flow that can enhance your massage therapy skills.
*Sound Healing with Singing Bowls
Discover the therapeutic power of Tibetan singing bowls. You will learn about their history, functionality and benefits. At the end of the course you will be able to play three captivating sequences inspired by the traditions of Sri Lankan tribes.
*Energy Healing
Energy healing exercises initially focus on self-harmonization by balancing masculine and feminine energies, grounding, and cultivating love and confidence or releasing heavy energies. You will then learn to apply these techniques to others through a specific laying-on-of-hands method, culminating in a 1.5-hour treatment known as "Ancient Healing," the original precursor to Reiki.